National University 1st Year Honors Exam Center List 2023


National University Honors First Year Examination Center List will be discussed in detail today. National University 2020 honors 1st year examination center list published. 2019-2020 academic year regular and 2018-2019, 2017-2018, 2016-2017, 2013-2014, 2014-2015 academic year irregular, grade improvement and F grade Honors 1st year examination center list 2021.

Revised Center List of Honors First Year Exam

National University Honors 1st Year Exam Center List and Seat Plan 2023

Center List PDF Download Link

NU 1st Year Exam Instruction 2023

(Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. It will be useful for all years.)
National University Honors 1st Year Final Exam (2018-2019), your final exam on 01-08-2019. So maybe you all must be thinking about how to manage question time in exam. You will not think that the exam time management that I have created will work for you.

National University Honors 1st Year Final Exam (2018-2019), your final exam on 01-08-2019.
Do not write even 1 minute beyond the allotted time for each question. Because if you spend 1 minute more on this question (continued) then you will get 1 minute less time to answer the next question. By doing this you cannot write all the questions in the same style/quantity. By doing this there is a possibility that you will get less marks in the exam book.

So try if you write any question in 3/4/5 pages, the next one should be the same. And everyone must take a normal watch to the exam hall.

Time Allotment: “A”-Section, 03 minutes for 1 question, 01×10 = 30 minutes for 10 questions

“B”-section, 10 minutes for 01 questions, 10×05=50 minutes for 05 questions.
“C”-section, 28 minutes for 01 questions, 28×05 = 140 minutes for 05 questions.

Revision, 20 minutes
So 30+50+140+20 = 240 minutes or 04 hours.
Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. It will be effective for all years.


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